Tuesday 20 January 2015

Upcoming Animations: Full Review

Before I watched the trailers, I wasn’t sure about any of the upcoming movies. Although I was quite hopeful from Home 2015 (from Dreamworks) but the others… well, what to say. But now I have watched the clips and it made me jump in my chair. They were hillarious!!!

Let’s talk about every one of them starting from Home.

OMG!! I love Oh! <3 and Tip is really cute. I’ve gotta hand it to Rihanna she’s not only an excellent singer but also a good voice cast. We all know how Dreamworks studio rolls and creates graphics, I mean we have all watched the movies like Kung fu Panda, How to Train your Dragon, Rise of the guardians and The Croods, haven’t we? And we all love them. The concept behind Oh’s name is really funny and sweet. He’s so innocent that he doesn’t even realize that his presence irritates the fellow booves. And nobody forgets captain Smek who is grateful to us for giving them our planet not knowing that just like them, we too are looking for a planet that is actually habitable. ;-) and the way Oh danced is super kawaii ! I think may be Oh knows that the other booves are irritated by him but he just tries to fit in and ignores what everyone else behaves like but in his heart… it hurts him! (releasing on March, 27)

Now, we’ve all watched our cute minions and no doubt that the Despicable Me duo rocked our worlds. Minions is said to be released on 10th of July and by the looks of the trailer the Nabanana songsters are hit where it laughs the most. Kevin , Stuart and Bob… let’s welcome our old friends together and one more thing, they looked absolutely banatastic in banana mode. Since the trailer that I watched was very brief I can’t discuss anymore but I am dying to see this one! >_<

Let’s come on to the next mind blower that is Inside Out from Pixar and Disney. The movie is about a girl who is stepping in a new age and thus is facing psychological changes. The inside characters of every person are Joy, Sadness, Disgust, Confusion and Anger. These are the basic feelings any person has so it would obviously stand to reason to make them the basic Charas (Shugo Chara lingua franca). Riley and her parents, everyone is led by their own charas. I love the part when her mom recalled the memories of a Brazilian Pilot who proposed her. This clip was really brief but it’s gonna be a fun story. And I really have high hopes for this one too. (releasing on June, 17)

There are no trailers for Hotel Transylvania (Sep, 25),  BOO (June, 5), the good dinosaur (Nov, 25) and finding dory or I might haven’t stumbled upon them yet so I can’t discuss them. But I can already feel that each of them is gonna be fun. The first movie to be released is Shaun the Sheep from the creators of Chicken Run. Although I have seen the trailer but I am more into fun with good graphics which makes Disney and DreamWorks my choice. But it’s not about me only so you might find it worth watching. And I might give it a try too in desperately boring times.

Kung Fu Panda III and Ice age 5 are to be released in 2016 so I’ve given up on waiting for them in 2015. There are some other movies that are animations that I am desperately waiting for are;

·         Jurassic World

·         Fast and Furious 7 (March)

·         Jupiter ascending (Feb)

·         Avengers: age of Ultron (May, 1)

And everyone of them are gonna come soon. FF7 is releasing in March this year and the trailer is LUSH! I’m really going to miss Paul Walker in the movie. The action is awesome like always along with the racing and stunts. And the other movies are also worth waiting for. Well, let’s see which one blows our mind away for REAL!